Ethos International School
Extra-Curricular Activities
The purpose of running ECAs is to give our pupils a non-academic setting, where they can experiment and enjoy different experiences. It helps in widening their exposure and deepening the knowledge they have about things in the world around them. Ethos International School has been running this event for five years now with massive success.
The school offers a variety of extra-curricular activities/clubs for KS 1 and 2/3 pupils, and all pupils must participate. FS pupils will go home at 1.00 pm on ECA days as well as every Wednesday. Activities must be well structured and should provide opportunities for physical, mental, global, and social development. Extra-curricular activities/clubs take place once per week (Wednesday) after school from 3.15 pm to 4.15 pm and are divided into two sessions.
All staff members are required to lead one activity/club per session.
Pupils are distributed among 30 different clubs under the
- Community Service
- Arts and Crafts
- Technology
- Language
- Music
- Dance
- Drama
- Chorus
- Cooking
- Gardening
- Story Telling