“We live and breathe five values that form the basis of everything we do”

Standing up for what we believe, being honest with ourselves and others, demonstrating fairness in our judgments and actions, and fulfilling commitments and promises.

Continuous Improvement
An Ongoing process of improvement by making small and incremental improvements. It is based on the belief that these incremental changes will add up to major improvements over time.

Nurturing and modeling respect within three areas: self-respect, respect for others, and respect for the environment. We value and appreciate diversity.

Acting with insight, understanding, and compassion. Making sure no one is left alone. We ensure having caring learning environments that allow our pupils to feel safe, make mistakes, and work collaboratively with others.

Pursuing Excellence
We ensure that everything we do is delivered to a high standard. We go the extra mile for our pupils and our colleagues. Our target pursuing excellence in the following five categories:
- School Culture
- Teachers and pupils well being
- Curriculum and Learning
- Assessment and Reporting
- Pupil Performance Measures